What are 5 stages of Injury Rehabilitation

 Unfortunately, sports injuries are common. The good news is that it doesn't have to mean the end of the season, especially if injuries are detected early and dealt with  immediately at Injury Rehabilitation Tysele

 Rehabilitation Stages

Stage 1

The rehabilitation process focuses on controlling pain and swelling (if any). The general rules for this phase are rest, cold, compression and elevation (RICE). Other methods, such as electrical stimulation or ultrasound, may also be used by a licensed healthcare professional to assist in this process. 

Stage 2 

Focuses on increasing joint range of motion  or muscle flexibility. Athletes can do certain stretching exercises  on their own, or a sports coach or physical therapist can do the stretching manually. Stretching at this stage should ideally last up to 30 seconds. 

Rehabilitation Stage 3 

Increase in strength. You can use isometric first, then elastic bands with different resistance, free weights, cuffed weights, or weight equipment. 

Stage 4

Physio Sheldon is dedicated to proprioception, balance and motor training. Proprioception is defined as the  ability to always know one's place in space without looking at the body. Simply put, it's balance. When an athlete is injured, their ability to balance is impaired. 

Step 5

Gradually returning the athlete to full activity. At this stage, the sports coach or physical therapist carefully transitions from basic exercises to higher-level exercises, adjusting the muscles to allow the injured athlete to heal and endure without the risk of further injury.


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