What is acupuncture?

For specific bodily parts to activate, acupuncture uses tiny steel needles placed into the skin. The goal of acupuncture clinic City of London is to reduce a medical condition or symptom, such pain. The method is derived from conventional Chinese medicine. Its effectiveness for some disorders has been supported by scientific research.


 What is the sensation of acupuncture?

Your skin might feel a small prick from each needle. However, it hurts less than getting a shot or having blood drawn, for example. Medical needles are substantially thicker than acupuncture needles, which are solid instead of hollow.

It's likely that the needles may cause the muscles to ache or tingle If you have any particularly extreme stiffness or tingling, you should inform your doctor. It's possible that the needles will cause aching or tingling in the muscles. If you experience any particularly extreme heaviness or tingling, you should inform your doctor.


 What follows an acupuncture session?

You might wish to arrange for transport home from your treatments, especially the first one, because acupuncture has a soothing impact. Your therapist could suggest taking a day or two off after each acupuncture sciatica pain City of London

What conditions does acupuncture treat?

Numerous conditions can be treated with acupuncture. However, it is most frequently used to treat chronic (long-term) pain, including arthritis.

The ache in the neck, back, or muscles.

Migraines and headaches.

A sore knee.

Period cramps.

A sports injury.

Acupuncture may also be beneficial for other disorders like cancer and the negative effects of cancer treatment.

Face aches and other nerve aches.

Immune system difficulties.



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