Expectations from a Physiotherapist in Marayong

From the first diagnosis to the restorative and preventive stages of rehabilitation, a physical therapist helps patients in every stage of their recovery. Physical therapy can complement other therapies or be used as a stand-alone choice.

While some individuals seek treatment independently, others are recommended to a physical therapist by their doctor.

Physical therapy treatments, in addition to Sports physio in Marayong, may include:

Iontophoresis: This is a method of delivering some drugs, like topical steroids, using an electrical current. This may help to reduce inflammation.

Electrical stimulation, or e-stim, comes in two varieties. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces pain.  Neuromuscular electrical stimulation, on the other hand, enhances muscle engagement by stimulating muscular motor units.

A variety of ailments may benefit from heat, moist heat, and cold therapy.

Using specific lights and lasers to treat certain medical issues is known as light therapy.

The following are some ailments that may benefit from physical therapy:

cardiopulmonary disorders, including heart failure following a myocardial infarction, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

ailments that impact the hands, including carpal tunnel syndrome, and lead to musculoskeletal disorders in the fingers, such as temporomandibular joint diseases, back discomfort, and rotator cuff injuries

neurological disorders include multiple sclerosis, vestibular dysfunction, traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, stroke, and

female health and pelvic floor dysfunction, including urine incontinence and lymphedema; paediatric conditions, such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy; sports-related injuries, such as concussion and tennis elbow; skin conditions, wounds, burns, diabetic ulcers, and wound care


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